If you find your way to Lost Art Stationery's social channels, it will seem as though we may be out of business as we haven't posted in quite some time. Today, almost every business is expected to have an active presence on various social media platforms, so our decision at Lost Art Stationery to step away from these platforms might raise eyebrows. I want to shed light on the thought process behind this decision and why we feel it aligns with our brand values and ethos.
A Journey to Digital Minimalism
Like many, I found myself lost in the noise of the digital world—checking for updates and likes on my photos or comments constantly, even when with friends in real life.
I stumbled upon Cal Newport's book Digital Minimalism which really struck a chord with me. Newport discusses at length the architecture of social media platforms, illuminating how they are meticulously engineered to captivate our attention, making it nearly impossible for us to disengage. The constant influx of notifications, news feeds, and updates is overwhelming; it also robs us of the ability to focus deeply on tasks and establish genuine, meaningful connections with people around us. In both Digital Minimalism and Deep Work (another Cal Newport book), Newport argues that we've become afraid to be bored—an important skill to have in order to do deep, arduous, sometimes tedious work.
The Price of Presence
During the recent pandemic and the politically charged environment we've witnessed, it became evident that social media platforms magnified the worst aspects of human nature. The echo chambers, the vilification of differing views, and the sheer negativity became a toxic stew that seemed to permeate every corner. Instead of acting as tools for bridging gaps and fostering understanding, these platforms widened divides. Even if one didn't participate in the negative aspects of these platforms, it was impossible to escape the yuck. It created anxiousness, shock, and fear over the next supposed action of some cruel villain. Even posting something fun or sweet or witty exposed us to the rancor.
More so, the very structure of these platforms appears to reward negativity. Sensationalism, drama, and controversy are more likely to get clicks, likes, and shares. This isn't an environment conducive to genuine human connection, let alone a place where a brand dedicated to heartfelt communication, like ours, feels at home.
The Projection of Perfection
Another troubling aspect of the social media ecosystem is the rise and prominence of "influencers." While there's nothing inherently wrong with individuals sharing their lives and passions, there's an undercurrent that promotes a perpetual sense of discontent. The beautifully curated photos, the seemingly perfect lifestyles, the endless parade of products—all this subtly conveys that we are perpetually lacking, that we need more to be complete, to be happy.
At Lost Art Stationery, our mission has always been to celebrate the genuine, the heartfelt, and the simple joys of life. We want our greeting cards to be a medium for real, authentic expression and not just another cog in the machine of perpetual dissatisfaction.
The Way Forward
While we've decided to bid farewell to our social media profiles, this doesn't mean we're withdrawing from our community. We're simply shifting our focus to more direct and meaningful ways of connection. Our website, newsletter, and local events will be our primary avenues for communication. We want to be present with you, not distracted by the clamor of a digital crowd, constantly distracted by the next new, shiny thing always working to impress or scare into action those around them.Our choice to no longer post on our social channels is one of intention, of choosing depth over breadth and genuine connections over fleeting likes. We thank you for your continued support and understanding. We might have lost the digital noise, but we have found a path that feels true to our art.